

486 publication sets found

Showing page 21 of 49
  • Cairngorms Planning Protocol
    Caingorms Planning Protocol is a voluntary agreement between the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) and five Local Authorities to work together on planning functions in the Cairngorms National Park.
  • Low Emission Vehicle Delivery plan
    Find out more about the Low Emission Vehicle Delivery plan, to support the growth in electric vehicles in Aberdeenshire.
  • Conservation areas
    View conservation area appraisals and management plans (if available).
  • Infrastructure Services performance
    Infrastructure Services regularly monitor their performance against a set of key performance measures and report to both policy and area committees.
  • Taxi and Private Hire Car Advertising Policy
    This document sets out Aberdeenshire Council’s policy on advertising in and on vehicles licensed by them as taxis and private hire cars it also explains the way that the policy...
  • Local Carer Strategies
    We have produced Local Carer Strategies for adult and young carers which detail our plans to support carers over the next few years.
  • Community Learning and Development
    The Community Learning and Development service use informal learning to deliver positive change in communities and in the personal lives of those living and working in our council area.
  • Annual performance reports
    Annual performance report evidencing delivery of the council plan.
  • Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2023: supporting documents
    View the supporting documents for Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2023.
  • Intermediate zone profiles
    View statistical summaries for each of Aberdeenshire’s 59 intermediate zones, to find out demographic and socio-economic information about the area.