

486 publication sets found

Showing page 20 of 49
  • Asset Transfer - Land at Lower Gordon Park, Ellon
    Completed Asset Transfer request for Land at Lower Gordon Park, Ellon. Please note some of these documents were not produced by Aberdeenshire Council and may not be not be suitable...
  • Customer service charter
    As part of our customer service commitment, we aim to provide high quality services and deliver high standards of customer service. This charter explains how we do this.
  • Seaweed cultivation study
    Northern Light Consulting (NLC) were appointed by Aberdeenshire Council to undertake a Coastal Industries Diversification Study aimed at determining whether seaweed cultivation is a viable and acceptable proposition for th...
  • Feedback team privacy notice
    View privacy notice relating to making complaints, compliments and comments.
  • Fishing privacy notices
    View privacy notices relating to fishing permits and catch returns.
  • Digital engagement newsletter
    View our digital engagement newsletter.
  • Licensing applications - identity checks
    View licensing identity checks for applicants guidance note.
  • Aberdeenshire Autism Strategy
    Our Autism Strategy, aims to improve autism support and services in Aberdeenshire for all ages. The strategy is available in two versions, including an easy read option.
  • Planning Performance Framework
    The Planning Performance Framework covers all aspects of the planning service; development management, development plans and environment planning.
  • Cairngorms Planning Protocol
    Caingorms Planning Protocol is a voluntary agreement between the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) and five Local Authorities to work together on planning functions in the Cairngorms National Park.