39 publication sets found in the "Social Care and Health" group
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Non residential charging policy
This charging policy explains how we calculate a person's ability to contribute towards their care and support package.
Locality profiles
View locality profiles for the six areas of Aberdeenshire. The profiles help to support the planning of Health and Social Care services for communities.
Integration Joint Board NHS Grampian Members’ Register of Interests
The Integration Joint Board (IJB) is a joint board of Aberdeenshire Council and NHS Grampian. It oversees the Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership and manages adult social care and...
Aberdeenshire Unpaid Carers Information Pack
Information pack for adult and young (under 18) unpaid carers who care for someone who may not be able to look after themselves.
Care service inspection report
The annual Care Inspectorate inspection of our adoption service is available to read.
Aberdeenshire Integration Joint Board Revenue Budget
The Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership get a budget allocation from Aberdeenshire Council and NHS Grampian. The Aberdeenshire Integration Joint Board (IJB) sets the annual budget for health and...
Mental Health and Wellbeing Improvement Service
View Mental Health and Wellbeing Improvement Service documents.
Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership Dementia Strategy
‘Making Connections’, our Dementia Strategy for 2021 to 2030, is available in 3 versions.
Aberdeenshire Autism Strategy
Our Autism Strategy, aims to improve autism support and services in Aberdeenshire for all ages. The strategy is available in two versions, including an easy read option.
A guide to contributing towards residential or nursing care home fees
This guide aims to give you a brief understanding of the financial process when entering a Care Home for either a short term or long term stay.