
Taxi fare calculator and proposed fare structure

Published: 17 April 2018Last Updated: 07 July 2020

The Licensing Sub-Committee considered the representations put forward by both the public and the trade at their meeting on 3rd July 2020 and a fare scale was agreed.

View details of the meeting and the representations considered.

To assess how the new scale will affect fares in Aberdeenshire our taxi fare calculator can be used. At present this shows the current fare scale that is in operation but the figures may be updated by inserting those in the new fare scale on page 3 (“Option Calculator”).

It should be noted that the fare scale which we set represents the maximum charges which an operator may apply and it may well be that they elect to charge less than the metered fare.

The agreed fare scale has been communicated to the trade who have 14 days to appeal this to the Traffic Commissioner. If no appeal is submitted then the above fare scale will come into force on the 1st of September 2020 following publication in the local press.
