
A947 Route improvement strategy

Published: 12 March 2019Last Updated: 12 March 2019

The A947 Route improvement strategy, which was developed throughout 2015, is designed to provide a long term plan for improving the A947 between Aberdeen and Banff over the next 20 years. The ultimate goal of the Strategy and subsequent interventions is to develop a route which is fit for purpose of connecting the communities along the route in a safe, effective and sustainable manner, while fully supporting the regeneration activity in North Aberdeenshire.

The Strategy has been informed based on a comprehensive review of problems and issues along the route including analysis of traffic and travel surveys, journey times and platooning consideration of future development implications. In addition, the Strategy has been heavily informed by an extensive consultation process comprising online surveys, roadside interviews with motorists, and feedback from communities, stakeholder groups and businesses along the route. details of the consultation findings are provided in the Consultation Report which supports the Strategy.

The overarching goal of the Strategy has been further informed by the development of five Transport Planning Objectives and an Action Plan. In the context of the 20 year vision, based on the appraisal recommendations, the Action Plan was developed to set out a series of actions to guide the implementation of future improvements. the Action Plan comprises both short and long term actions, and includes soft measures, such as enforcement and education and engagement programmes, and hard measures, such as overtaking lanes and route upgrade and realignment options.

The consultation work and Action Plan outcomes have demonstrated the need and desire to build upon the momentum created by the development of the Route Improvement Strategy. Moving forward, annual reports will be prepared to outline progress made with delivery of the Action Plan, ensuring the public are well informed with further developments.
