Duty of candour annual reports
View duty of candour annual report.
Housebuilding in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire
View our yearly Housing Land Audit (HLA) and Housebuilding in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire report.
Private landlord newsletter
View our quarterly newsletter containing information that you need to be aware of as a landlord or agent.
Housing bulletin
View the housing bulletin for updates and advice from the housing service.
View the 2024 annual report to tenants.
Housing - annual reports to tenants
All social landlords in Scotland are required to report their performance yearly to the Scottish Housing Regulator.
You can view the council's landlord performance on the Regulator’s website, including current...
Local Housing Strategy
Councils are legally required to carry out a comprehensive assessment of housing need and demand, including housing conditions, and to produce a local housing strategy to tackle the challenges in...
Empty homes advice
Guidance for owners of empty properties. Information on VAT exemptions for renovating empty properties, merchants' discounts, and advice on general maintenance, repairs and renovations, letting and selling.
Gypsy Travellers unauthorised encampments
Housing site prospectus
The main focus of the housing site prospectus is sites allocated for housing, though some mixed allocations have been included. The sites are divided up into four different categories, from...
Allotments privacy notice
Privacy notices for allotments.