Housing bulletin
View the housing bulletin for updates and advice from the housing service.
View the 2024 annual report to tenants.
Winter weather advice
The winter months can throw all sorts at us in Aberdeenshire. It might bring snow or ice, high winds and power disruption, flooding. View important information, guidance, and signposting to...
Charitable Trusts - Annual Accounts
Annual Accounts for the council's Charitable Trusts.
Please note some of these documents may not be fully accessible. If you would like to request them in an alternative format please...
Scheme of Governance: templates and guidance
The council follow clear procedures to ensure that all decisions are lawful, accessible and transparent. The Scheme of Governance details who has authority to make decisions and the rules to...
Housing - annual reports to tenants
All social landlords in Scotland are required to report their performance yearly to the Scottish Housing Regulator.
You can view the council's landlord performance on the Regulator’s website, including current...
List of public roads
View a statutory list of all public roads within Aberdeenshire as of 28th October 2024 (the list does not take account of any additions or deletions since this date).
Buchan area privacy notices
View Buchan Area Team privacy notices.
Aberdeenshire Local Action Group’s Rural Community Led Local Development
Aberdeenshire Local Action Group (LAG), is a cross-sector partnership comprised of community, public and private organisations.
Community organisations:
Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action
Banffshire Partnership
Buchan Development Partnership
Buchan Community Councils
Fintray Community...
Website queries privacy notice
Grampian Interagency Procedures for Adult Support and Protection
These procedures provide a framework for recognising and responding to situations where adults may be at risk of harm. They should be used by all statutory and independent sector organisations...