100 publication sets found
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Housing - annual reports to tenants
All social landlords in Scotland are required to report their performance yearly to the Scottish Housing Regulator. You can view the council's landlord performance on the Regulator’s website, including current...
Buchan area privacy notices
View Buchan Area Team privacy notices.
Social Care and Health privacy notices
View social care and health privacy notices.
Council plan scorecards
View annual individual priority reports.
Marr area privacy notices
View Marr privacy notices privacy notices.
Trade Union facility time reports
View Trade Union facility time reports.
Asset Transfer - Maud Area Office
Current Asset Transfer request for Maud Area Office. Please note some of these documents were not produced by Aberdeenshire Council and may not be not be suitable or accessible for...
Customer feedback - reputation tracker 2018/19
Aberdeenshire reputation tracker is a summary of statistics and information on council performance, including details of feedback provided by residents on key themes.
Customer feedback - reputation tracker 2021/22
Aberdeenshire reputation tracker is a summary of statistics and information on council performance, including details of feedback provided by residents on key themes.
Asset Transfer - Former Market Place School in Inverurie
Completed Asset Transfer request for former Market Place School, Inverurie Market Place, Inverurie, AB51 3XN.